"A disk read error occurred, Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart"

12.24 xanny 0 Comments

"A disk read error occurred, Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart" Initially I asked Malaysia ancient song files have the same climate albums of friends, he still has been sent. But I was looking everywhere are not met. mending if nyimpennya in dalem home, may be asked nyimpen where, even if the cabinet can not remember the cabinet which, if in a drawer in a drawer where it might be met. This was not at the computer, lap top Acer Asphire 4741 made possible the file storage on a partition on the HDD may be on the drive or system data. Well here it is the onset of the problem on my notebook. So after that happened something that becomes a question for me, when I open the data drive (drive me to the E: /) it appears statenment: "Data drives: E should be in the format" after that happens something else before I turn this notebook, then a few hours later I try to switch it on again ..... Eich Another problem occurs again "Starting windows" for a long time I wait until more than 5 hours still "starting windows" I turn off through the powder on / off A few days later I had enough boots on again last message is long dap
"A disk read error occurred, Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to restart" I do not know what he meant, I tried to do what is asked ma tetep notebook that but just like that and many times until now. Please dong that can bantuin ..... I lost my data again 120 GB.

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"A disk read error occurred, Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart"

12.20 xanny 0 Comments

"A disk read error occurred, Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart"
Awalnya saya minta file lagu malaysia jaman dulu punya album iklim sama teman, katanya sih udah dikirim. Tetapi saya cari dimana-mana ga ketemu. mending kalau nyimpennya di dalem rumah, mungkin bisa tanya nyimpen dimana, kalaupun di lemari kan bisa ingat lemari yang mana, kalau di laci ya di laci yang mana jadi kemungkinan bisa ketemu.
lah ini kan di komputer, Lap top Acer Asphire 4741 yang dimungkinkan penyimpanan file itu di dalam HDD pada partisi mungkin pada drive data atau system. Nah ini dia yang awal terjadinya masalah pada notebook saya.
Maka setelah itu terjadi sesuatu yang menjadi pertanyaan buat saya, saat saya buka drive data (drive saya pada E:/) itu muncul statenment:
"drive data:E harus di format"
setelah itu terjadi hal lain sebelum ini notebook saya matikan, kemudian beberapa jam kemudian saya coba nyalakan lagi eich.....
terjadi lagi masalah lain
"starting windows" lama sekali saya tunggu sampai lebih dari 5 jam tetap saja "starting windows"
Saya matikan melalui tombol powder on/off
Beberapa hari kemudian saya nyalakan lagi booting pun cukup lama dap pesan terakhir adalah
 "A disk read error occurred, Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart"
Saya ga tau apa maksudnya, saya coba lakukan apa yang diminta ma notebook itu tetapi tetep saja seperti itu dan berkali-kali sampai sekarang.
Tolong dong yang bisa bantuin saya.....data saya ilang lagi 120 GB.

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